WS = Winter Semester, SS = Summer Semester, TA = Teaching Assistant
- SS 2021: Proseminar "Theoretische Informatik"
- WS 2020/21: TA for Proseminar "Theoretische Informatik"
- SS 2020: TA for Seminar "Selected Topics in Logic and Verification"
- WS 2019/20: TA for Seminar "Selected Topics in Logic and Verification"
- SS 2019: TA for Proseminar "Theoretische Informatik"
- SS 2014: TA for Representation Theory I
- SS 2013: TA for Topology II
- WS 2012/13: TA for Topology I
- WS 2011/12: TA for Analysis I
- SS 2010: TA for Analysis II