I am a postdoc at the Chair of Algebraic and Logic Foundations of Computer Science of the Technical University Dresden. My mentor is Christel Baier. I am also a member of the Collaborative Research Center ("Sonderforschungsbereich") 248 Center for Perspicuous Computing, funded by the DFG.
My research agenda responds to the tension between software systems being omnipresent, but at the same time less and less understood by most users (and even engineers) due to their ever-increasing complexity. In order to explain why a reactive system behaves the way it does, I build causal links and webs among the events occurring in its inner workings, and I construct measures identifying those components that crucially shape the behavior of the system. The ultimate goal of my research is to make modern software and cyber-physical systems to a large extent self-explanatory.
I studied mathematics in Bonn and Oxford and obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Bonn, supervised by Wolfgang Lück. During my Ph.D. time, I was a fellow of the MPI for Mathematics. Prior to settling in theoretical computer science, I worked at Fraunhofer on applied artificial intelligence.