Since 2006, Christel Baier is a full professor and head of the chair for Algebraic and Logic Foundations of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Technische Universität Dresden. From the University of Mannheim she received her Diploma in Mathematics in 1990, her Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1994, and her Habilitation in 1999. She was an associate professor for Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Bonn from 1999 till 2006. Since September 2022, she holds an honorary doctorate (Dr. rer. nat. h.c.) from RWTH Aachen. She is dean of the Faculty for Computer Science at TU Dresden (2025-2027) and served as vice-dean in the period 2019-2024.
DFG Research Training Group
DAAD Zuse School
DFG/NWO project
ESF Young Researchers Group
Collaborative Research Center
Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative
DFG/NWO project
DFG Research Training Group
ESF Young Researchers Group
Collaborative Research Center
Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative
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