This website has some supplementary material to the paper “From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata”. You can find the full version here.
Recently, we have discovered a bug in Duggi, which might cause automata to be not equivalent to the input LTL formula. It does not affect the message of the paper. Here you find a new version. For transperency, you can also download the old version below.
Duggi is an LTL to UBA translator that implements the construction in our paper. You can download the source files here.
To install, first make sure you have installed the following on your machine:
Then follow the instructions in to build the tool.
The executable duggi will be in the directory build. To see its options, type
$ build/duggi --help
which prints:
$ General options:
$ --help Show help message
$ --formula arg LTL formula in prefix syntax
$ --verbose Shows additional information in a comment
$ --debug Shows additional debug information in a comment
$ Automata options:
$ --vwaa Show VWAA
$ --gba Show generalized Büchi automaton
$ --u create unambiguous automata
$ --ba Show Büchi automaton
$ --no_unu_opt turn of u-nu-optim
$ --no_unamb_rewrites turn of simplifier_distributivity_unamb
$ --no_vwaa_opt turn of the GF f -> GXF f optimization
All automata are outputted in the HOA format, although we use empty successor sets in alternating automata which are currently not supported by the HOA format. You can manually make it compatible to other HOA tools by adding an additional state with a self-loop inducing the language Σω and create an edge from a state with an empty successor set to this new state. The option –u tells duggi to make all automata unambiguous. For example, to see an unambiguous Büchi automaton for the formula ◇□a, type:
$ ./build/duggi --u --ba "F G a"
which prints:
$ HOA: v1
$ States: 3
$ Start: 0
$ AP: 1 "a"
$ Acceptance: 1 Inf(0)
$ --BODY--
$ State: 0 "(aut_index: 0) ( 0, { 4 } )"
$ [t] 1
$ [t] 2
$ State: 1 "(aut_index: 1) ( 0, { 0 } )"
$ [t] 1
$ [!0] 2
$ State: 2 "(aut_index: 4) ( 1, { 1 } )" { 0 }
$ [0] 2
$ --END--
At first step, please download our PRISM implementation and unzip it via
$ tar xzf prism-uba.tar.gz
To compile PRISM, go to the prism-uba/prism/
subdirectory and execute make
$ cd prism-uba/prism
$ make
This will work on Mac OS X and Linux and requires a Java JDK >=1.7 and the usual build tools (C/C++ compiler etc) to be installed.
If you have trouble compiling PRISM, please try downloading a source distribution from and try whether that works. We also refer to
It might be necessary to set the JAVA_DIR
variable so that the Makefile can find the JDK installation (see the Makefile):
$ make JAVA_DIR=xxx
Additionally, don’t run make multi-threaded, i.e., with -j x
for x>1
As a result, you should have a working command-line version in
and a GUI version in
To use our version of PRISM with UBA-based model checking, you have two options. The first is to use a given UBA-HOA-file as the path formula.
As an example, try the following in the directory containing this README file:
$ prism-uba/prism/bin/prism -keepAPs -explicit -ltluba -ubaverbosity 1 prism-uba/prism-examples/dice/ -pf 'P=?[ HOA: {"FGa.uba.hoa", "a" <- s=7 }]'
This selects (1) the explicit engine, the only engine of PRISM where UBA PMC is currently implemented, (2) specifies that we want to use UBA PMC (-ltluba
flag), (3) loads the
model file (Knuth’s dice example) and checks against the FGa.uba.hoa
automaton, replacing the atomic proposition in the automaton with the state formula s=7
, i.e., the success state of the model. Additionally, it selects a verbosity setting of 1
for the UBA PMC to provide some interesting information.
The FGa.uba.hoa
file is located in prism-uba/prism-examples/dice
, i.e., the path inside the HOA: … specification is relative to the directory of the model file.
Additional substitutions of automata APs can be used for automata with more APs. If the substitution is not specified, e.g.,
P=?[ HOA: {"FGa.uba.hoa"}]
then each AP is connected with a label in the PRISM model of the same name.
Additional options for UBA-PMC:
-ubapure |
Deactivates the special handling for the case where the UBA is (1) deterministic or (2) where the UBA is essentially an upward-close UFA, i.e., all F states have true loop. With this option, the full UBA algorithm is used, without it the standard PRISM handling for deterministic automata is used in case (1) and for (2) the SCC handling/positivity check and cut generation is skipped. |
-ubapower |
Activates the power iteration method for SCC handling, which can be significantly faster than the rank-based method. |
-ubaposmethod svd | qr |
For the rank-based SCC handling, use singular value decomposition (svd) or QR decomposition (qr) for the rank computation. |
-ubareachmethod gs | colt |
For the reachability part of the UBA algorithm, use the Gauss-Seidel algorithm (as used in PRISM) or use the COLT matrix library. Gauss-Seidel usually outperforms COLT. |
-keepAPs |
Do not summarize Boolean formulas to single, fresh APs before translating into an automaton. |
For our experiments, we did not use -ubapure
, but -ubapower
and -ubareachmethod gs
, and for the BRP experiment, -keepAPs
. For additional, standard PRISM settings we refer to
Of interest might be:
-epsilon 1E-10 |
set the epsilon value (for convergence checks) |
-maxiters 100000 |
set the maximum number of iterations |
-javamaxmem 10g |
set the maximum memory for PRISM |
-timeout 10m |
set a timeout |
Besides HOA based model checking, PRISM-UBA also supports the use of duggi
and ltl2tgba
as an external LTL-to-UBA generator. For this, one can use the switch -ltl2datool
with according predelivered scripts, that can be found in the directory prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/
. The two important scripts in this directory are hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism
and hoa-ltl2tgba-uba-for-prism
. Before using them, please edit them and change the according paths to the binaries.
As an example for using duggi
(in a single line):
$ prism-uba/prism/bin/prism -explicit -ltluba -ubaverbosity 1 \
-ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism \
-ltl2dasyntax lbt \
prism-uba/prism-examples/dice/ \
-pf 'P=?[ F G s=7 ]'
Analogously for ltl2tgba
$ prism-uba/prism/bin/prism -explicit -ltluba -ubaverbosity 1 \
-ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-ltl2tgba-uba-for-prism \
-ltl2dasyntax lbt \
prism-uba/prism-examples/dice/ \
-pf 'P=?[ F G s=7 ]'
This will translate the LTL formula F G s=7
into an UBA and perform model checking.
You can set
$ export DUGGI_NOWDBA=1
$ export LTL2TGBA_NOWDBA=1
to disable the WDBA minimization of duggi
or ltl2tgba
, i.e., to obtain UBA in more cases. You can do it both in the prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism
(vs. prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-ltl2tgba-uba-for-prism
) scripts or on the commandline.
In our paper, we compare our construction with the LTL to UBA generation of SPOT’s tool ltl2tgba. It can be downloaded together with the SPOT tool set.
We use the ltlstore to provide us with LTL formulas as benchmarks. It collects LTL-formulas that have been published in case-studies or tool evaluation papers. We provide the prefix forms of the formula, together with our raw experimentation results and the script plot.R to compile these results into scatter plots download
The entries in the “tool” column of the csv files map to the configurations given in the paper as follows:
tool | configuration |
./ | Duggi |
./ | Duggi\R |
./ | Duggi\RH |
ltl2tgba -U -B –lbt-input -x wdba-minimize=0 -f | ltl2tgba |
ltl2tgba -U -B –lbt-input -f | ltl2tgbaWDBA |
The WDBA-recognizable formulas of each formula set are listed in the directory “obligations”. To produce a scatterplot comparing Duggi with ltl2tgba on the non-wdba-recognizable fragment in “rabinizer3.ltl”, you can invoke plot.R as follows:
$ scripts/plot.R --standalone -n -f "obligations" -x "./" -y "ltl2tgba -U -B --lbt-input -x wdba-minimize=0 -f" data/rabinizer3.csv
You can download a zip with the models, properties and data logs here. Unpack the archive as follows:
$ tar xzf pmc.tar.gz
The structure of the archive is as follows
|- model
|- properties
|- logs
|- model
|- properties
|- logs
The model of each benchmark of the bounded retransmission protocol (BRP) resp. cluster protocol can be found as brp/model/
and cluster/model/
. The properties are collected in brp/properties/brp.pctl
and cluster/properties/cluster.pctl
. At last, the logs of our runs can be found the subdirectories */logs/prism-uba.duggi.log
and */logs/prism-uba.ltl2tgba.log
for the tools duggi
and ltl2tgba
As an example for a commandline we execute
prism-uba/prism/bin/prism -ltluba -pf 'P=?[(s!=4) U (s=3 & s!=4 & (X s!=4)& (X X s=4))]' brp/model/ -explicit -ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism -ltl2dasyntax lbt -const 'N=16,MAX=128' -keepAPs -ubapower -ubareachmethod gs
which executes the BRP benchmark with φ2steps. The UBA-based analysis is started with the parameters -ltluba
, -ubapower
, and -ubareachmethod gs
. The explicit engine is activated via -explicit
. The -ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism
switch and the -ltl2dasyntax lbt
tells PRISM to execute the script hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism
which itself executes duggi
. Here, the -ltl2dasyntax lbt
tells PRISM to input the LTL formula in the prefix syntax to duggi
Additionally, we needed to set the flag -keepAPs
in the BRP benchmark to forbid PRISM to summarize boolean subformulas to new atomic proposition. This ensures, that s=3 & s!=4
is taken over to p1 & p0
and not summarized to a new atomic proposition p2
. Please note, the flag -keepAPs
is not used in the cluster benchmark.
At last, the model is set via the positional argument brp/model/
. The model needs additional constants, which are given by -const 'N=16,MAX=128'
Alternatively to duggi
, you can use ltl2tgba
via -ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-spot-uba-for-prism
. Please note, that either way, we advice you to edit both scripts manually to set the correct paths in the scripts.
The case study for the cluster benchmark behaves very similar, therefore we just give you the analogous commandline:
prism-uba/prism/bin/prism -ltluba -pf 'P=?[(G F left_n=N) | (F G right_n=N) | (F G right_n=(N-1)) | (F G right_n=(N-2)) | (F G right_n=(N-3)) | (F G right_n=(N-4)) | (F G right_n=(N-5))]' cluster/model/ -explicit -ltl2datool prism-uba/prism/etc/scripts/hoa/hoa-duggi-uba-for-prism -ltl2dasyntax lbt -const 'N=16' -pathviaautomata -ubapower -ubareachmethod gs