Advances in Symbolic Probabilistic Model Checking with PRISM
- Joachim Klein, Christel Baier, Philipp Chrszon, Marcus Daum, Clemens Dubslaff, Sascha Klüppelholz, Steffen Märcker, David Müller:
Advances in Symbolic Probabilistic Model Checking with PRISM (TACAS'16, LNCS 9636, Springer)
- Joachim Klein, Christel Baier, Philipp Chrszon, Marcus Daum, Clemens Dubslaff, Sascha Klüppelholz, Steffen Märcker, David Müller:
Advances in Symbolic Probabilistic Model Checking with PRISM (extended version, PDF)
Additional materials
- Journal version
There is a journal version of this paper in the STTT journal (special TACAS'16 issue).
See improved implementation for the journal version of this paper.
If you are interested in the snapshot used for the experiments for this paper, please contact
Experiments (250KB): ZIP with the model and property files used in our benchmarks. Included is a README with some further details.
List of publications of Prof. Baier's group.