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Dr.-Ing. Sascha Klüppelholz
TU Dresden - Department of Computer Science - Chair of Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science |
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Klüppelholz Room 3007, Nöthnitzer Str. 46 Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463 38440 Fax: +49 (0) 351 463 38348 ![]() |
Dresden University of Technology Department of Computer Science Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 01062, Dresden |
Active Research Projects
I am currently involved in the following research projects:
- BMBF-Zukunftscluster “SEMECO” (SEMECO)
- Collaborative Research Centre CRC-TR 248 “Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems” (CPEC)
- Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI)
- DFG Research Training Group “Rollenbasierte Software-Infrastrukturen” (RoSI)
- DFG Research Project “Modellprüfung für temporale Logiken und gewichtete probabilistische Strukturen” (289295178)
- DFG Research Project “Unambiguity, alternation and non-standard acceptance in automata-based probabilistic model checking” (313089026)
- 5G Lab GERMANY (5GLab)
Former Research Projects
- DFG Research Training Group “Quantitative Logics and Automata” (QuantLA)
- Collaborative Research Centre CRC912 “Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing” (HAEC)
- Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative “Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden” (cfaed)
- ESF Young Researchers Group “Integrated Hard- and Software Mechanisms for Data-intensive Applications on Heterogeneous Manycore Systems” (IMData)
- ESF Young Researchers Group “Secure Remote EXecution” (SREX)
- DFG project “Verifikation quantitativer Eigenschaften eines Mikrokernbetriebssystems durch eine Kombination von probabilistischem Model Checking und interaktivem Theorembeweisen” (QuaOS)
- DFG/NWO project “Synthesis and Analysis of Component Connectors” (SYANCO)
- EU project “Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services” (CREDO)
Teaching (Winter Term 2024/2025)
- Lecture “Model Checking”
- Seminar “Selected Topics in Logic and Verification”
- Undergraduate Seminar “Proseminar Theoretische Informatik”
- Undergraduate Seminar “Proseminar Binäre Entscheidungsgraphen”
- Advanced Project “Komplexpraktikum Modellierung und quantitative Systemanalyse I”
- Advanced Project “Komplexpraktikum Modellierung und quantitative Systemanalyse II”
- Lab Course “Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification”
- CMS Research Project “Model Checking”
- CMS Team Project “Model Checking”
- Forschungsseminar “Formal Methods”
- Profilprojekt “Forschungsprojekt Formale Methoden”
Teaching (Summer Term 2024)
- Undergraduate Seminar “Proseminar Theoretische Informatik”
- CMS Research Project “Model Checking”
- CMS Team Project “Model Checking”
- Seminar “Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification”
- Advanced Project “Komplexpraktikum Modellierung und quantitative Systemanalyse I”
- Advanced Project “Komplexpraktikum Modellierung und quantitative Systemanalyse II”
- Lab Course “Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification”
- Forschungslinie (Ringvorlesung) “Model Checking”
Other Activities
- PC member in the artifact evaluation committee of the 35th international conference on computer aided verification (CAV 2023)
- Since September 2022 freelance consultant and coach for presentations, pitches and career.
- PC member in the repeatability evaluation committee of the 25th international conference on hybrid systems: computation and control (HSCC 2022)
- May 2021 - Jan 2022: participant in the development program “Project Manager Innovation” at the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE)
- PC member in the repeatability evaluation committee of the 24th international conference on hybrid systems: computation and control (HSCC 2021)
- PC member of the artifact evaluation committee for the 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2020)
- Since 2020: associate member of the “Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden” (cfAED)
- Since 2019: member of the selection committee for the Deutschland Stipendium for computer science at TU Dresden.
- Since 2019: member of the selection committee for the international master program in computational logic.
- Since 2016: member of the PhD committee (Promotionsausschuss) for computer science at TU Dresden
- From 2015-2019: Assistant Research Coordinator in the Orchestration Path of the Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative “Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden” (cfAED)
- EATCS best theory paper award:
Christel Baier, Joachim Klein, Sascha Klüppelholz and Steffen Märcker.
Computing Conditional Probabilities in Markovian Models Efficiently. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'14) Volume 8413 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 515-530, Springer, 2014. (extended version) - associate member in the DFG Research Training Group “Rollenbasierte Software-Infrastrukturen” (RoSI)
- doctoral scholarship holder from Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.
- nomination for the GI-Dissertationspreis 2012
- principal developer of the model checking toolset Vereofy
- reviewer for scientific journals and international conferences, such as Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Logic in Computer Science (LICS), Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), Computer Science Logic (CSL), Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), and many more