Sixth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2008)
March 29-30, 2008
Budapest, Hungary
Satellite Event of
QAPL is an
international workshop on quantitative aspects of programming languages.
Its first edition,
QAPL 2001, was
held in Florence, Italy. It was a satellite event to the ACM Principles,
Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages,
PLI 2001.
Its second edition,
QAPL 2004,
was held in Barcelona, Spain. Since then, it has become a yearly appointment with ETAPS.
Based on the QAPL 2004 event, a special
issue of the journal
Theoretical Computer Science was published in volume 346(1).
The third edition,
QAPL 2005, was
held in Edinburgh, UK. The 2006 edition took place in Vienna, Austria.
The fifth workshop, QAPL 2007,
was held in Braga, Portugal, on 24-27 March 2007.
The proceedings of all previous workshops appeared in
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS).
Previous editions:
QAPL 2007,
Braga, Portugal. (ENTCS 190(3))
QAPL 2006,
Vienna, Austria. (ENTCS 164(3))
QAPL 2005,
Edinburgh, UK. (ENTCS 153(2))
QAPL 2004,
Barcelona, Spain. (ENTCS 112)
QAPL 2001,
Florence, Italy. (ENTCS 59(3))
Quantitative aspects of computation are important and sometimes
essential in characterising the behaviour and determining the
properties of systems. They are related to the use of physical
quantities (storage space, time, bandwidth, etc.) as well as
mathematical quantities (e.g. probability and measures for
reliability, security and trust). Such quantities play a central
role in defining both the model of systems (architecture, language
design, semantics) and the methodologies and tools for the analysis
and verification of system properties.
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the explicit use of
quantitative information such as time and probabilities either
directly in the model or as a tool for the analysis of systems.
In particular, the workshop focuses on:
- the design of probabilistic, real-time, quantum languages and the definition of semantical models for
such languages;
- the discussion of methodologies for the analysis of probabilistic and timing properties
(e.g. security, safety, schedulability) and of other quantifiable properties such as reliability (for hardware
components), trustworthiness (in information security) and resource usage (e.g., worst-case memory/stack/cache
- the probabilistic analysis of systems which do not explicitly incorporate quantitative aspects
(e.g. performance, reliability and risk analysis);
- applications to safety-critical systems, communication protocols, control systems, asynchronous
hardware, and to any other domain involving quantitative issues.
Topics include (but are not limited to) probabilistic, timing and
general quantitative aspects in:
Language design |
Information systems |
Asynchronous HW analysis |
Language extension |
Multi-tasking systems |
Automated reasoning |
Language expressiveness |
Logic |
Verification |
Quantum languages |
Semantics |
Testing |
Time-critical systems |
Performance analysis |
Safety |
Embedded systems |
Program analysis |
Risk and hazard analysis |
Coordination models |
Protocol analysis |
Scheduling theory |
Distributed systems |
Model-checking |
Security |
Biological systems |
Concurrent systems |
Invited speaker
Simon Gay, University of Glasgow, UK
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Quantum Protocols
Quantum communication and cryptographic protocols are well on the way to becoming an important practical technology. Although a large amount of successful research has been done on proving their correctness, most of this work does not make use of familiar techniques from formal methods: formal logics for specification, formal modelling languages, separation of levels of abstraction, compositional analysis, and so on. We argue that these techniques will be necessary for the analysis of large-scale systems that combine quantum and classical components, and present the results of initial investigation in several areas.
Jean-Francois Raskin, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
On Optimal Strategies in Timed Reachability Games:
Weighted timed game automata extend timed game automata with costs on both locations and transitions. The reachability problem for weighted timed game asks, given a set of states G and a cost K, if player 1 has a strategy to force the game into G with cost less than K no matter how player 2 behaves. Recently, this problem has attracted a lot of attention. In this talk, we will review several results that show that in general the problem is undecidable but that several interesting sub cases are decidable.
In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits
two types of submissions - regular papers and presentations:
- Regular paper submissions must be original work,
and must not have been previously published,
nor be under consideration for publication
Regular paper submission must not exceed 15 pages,
possibly followed by a clearly marked appendix which will be
removed for the proceedings and contains
technical material for the reviewers.
- A presentation reports on recent or ongoing work on relevant topics and
ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. There is
no restriction as for previous/future publication of the contents of
a presentation. Typically, a presentation is based on a paper which
recently appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of
another recognized conference, or which has not yet been submitted.
The (extended) abstract of presentation submissions
should not exceed 4 pages.
All Submissions must be as PDF and use to the
ENTCS style files.
Submissions can be made on the following website:
The program co-chairs can be contacted at
The workshop PC will review all submissions of both types to select
appropriate ones for acceptance in each category, based on their
relevance, merit, originality, and technical content. The authors of the
accepted submissions of both types are expected to present and discuss
their work at the workshop.
Accepted regular papers will be published in
Elsevier's ENTCS.
Please use the tex style file in this
zip file
for your camera ready paper.
Publication of a selection of the papers in a special issue of a
journal is under consideration.
Important dates
Please notice:
The deadline for the regular paper submission has been postponed
to Friday, December 21. But we ask the authors to submit a title
and short abstract until Wednesday, December 19.
For regular papers (Submission CLOSED):
Submission (title + abstract): | December 19, 2007. |
Submission (regular paper): | December 21, 2007. |
Notification: | January 28, 2008. |
For presentations (Submission CLOSED):
Submission: | January 28, 2008. |
Notification: | January 31, 2008. |
Program Chairs
Program Committee
- Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania, US
- Nathalie Bertrand, IRISA/INRIA Rennes, France
- Patricia Bouyer, Oxford University, UK
- Tomas Brazdil, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Flavio Corradini, University of Camerino, Italy
- Josee Desharnais, University of Laval, Canada
- Alessandra Di Pierro, University of Verona, Italy
- Maurizio Gabbrielli, University of Bologna, Italy
- Marcus Groesser, Technical University Dresden, Germany
- Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, UK
- Mieke Massink, NR-ISTI Pisa, Italy
- Paulo Mateus, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Annabelle McIver, Maquarie University, Australia
- Prakash Panangaden, McGill University, Canada
- Paul Petersson, Mälardalen University, Sweden
- Jeremy Sproston, University of Torino, Italy
- Franck van Breugel, York University, Toronto, Canada
- Herbert Wiklicky, Imperial College London, UK